
Our free open-source community-run False Allegations Database is run by a volunteer community based at Transparency, a group of rights reformers and revolutionaries. This database contains information on criminal sexual allegations that lead to acquittals and No Further Action, and those evidentially deemed malicious. Our volunteers ensure it is accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible.

Claims related to social media only are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and all submissions are disputable, but we stress that we are committed to upholding people’s human rights. If you have been victimised by a false allegation online we want to hear from you.

False Allegations Database was born in response to the astonishing cases seen in recent times, such as that of Eleanor Williams, and Jolie Fortuna of Brent.

Seen in the cases of Eleanor Williams and Jolie Fortuna was a cunning weaponisation of the power of social media to create and command a national attack against different groups of people, for unfounded, malicious purposes, and this led to a wave of people coming forward to detail their own experiences.

It has made people realise the ease at which false allegations can impact the public, and that it is more necessary than ever to allow for an exposure of the truth, the identification of repeat offenders, and a protective space for people’s reputation.